ĦThe curriculum consists of a coordination of theory classes, design studio time and fieldwork

Theory lectures and the design studio are not independent, but have an advanced level of interrelation. Furthermore, we go out for fieldwork to examine and investigate great buildings to support the design studio work. In this way, through an integrated curriculum of lectures, design studio and fieldwork, our students can learn architecture more deeply, more efficiently and more practically.

ĦAll teachers are highly experienced practitioners with backgrounds in research.

Our full-time teaching staff performs both design and research duties. Their practical design experience contributes to the design studio, and their research makes the basis of the theory lectures. In this way our students can acquire the most advanced practical and theoretical knowledge and skills.

ĦOur part-time teachers are all active practitioners working in the field.

Further, working architects and field experts are invited as visiting lecturers. Their diverse knowledge and expertise give students genuine insights to problems involved in the building site, and practical knowledge of traditional Japanese techniques and contemporary technologies.