JABEE 認定プログラム修了証 授与式が行われました!
The Ceremony of Conferment of The Completion of The Education Program Accredited by JABEE
Professor Okazaki, Chairman of Department of Architecture conferred The Confirmation of the Completion of Education Program at Bachelor and Master Level accredited by JABEE ( Program Chartered for Architectural Education in Accordance with UNESCO-UIA).
Professor Okazaki, Chairman of Department of Architecture conferred The Confirmation of the Completion of Education Program at Bachelor and Master Level accredited by JABEE ( Program Chartered for Architectural Education in Accordance with UNESCO-UIA).
建築系学士修士課程JABEE認定プログラム(UNESCO-UIA建築教育憲章対応)の修了証 (2017年度)
Confirmation of Completion of education program at bachelor and master level accredited by JABEE ( Study Program chartered for Architectural Education in accordance with UNESCO-UIA) (Sample)
岡崎専攻長 祝辞
Congratulation by Professor Okzaki, Chairman of Department of Architecture
建築学専攻修士課程7期生16名が、3月21日に修了式を迎えました。中央キャンパスにて学位記授与式が挙行され、学長より学生代表に学位記が授与されました。続いて、生活環境学研究科での学位記授与式では修了生一人一人に学位記が手渡されました。その後、上甲子園キャンパス甲子園会館西ホールに移動し、建築学専攻主催のJABEE 認定プログラム修了証授与式が行われ、岡崎専攻長より、建築系学士修士課程JABEE認定プログラム(UNESCO-UIA建築教育憲章対応)の修了証が一人一人に手渡されました。その後、各教員・職員からの祝辞、そして修了生一人一人による感謝の言葉が述べられました。新たな門出に相応しい素晴らしい一日となりました。
16 Graduate Students had the conferment for The Degree of Master of Architecture on March 21st. The Ceremony was held in The Central Campus, and The President conferred The Diploma to The Representative of Students. Consequently, in The Conferment of The Graduate School of Human Environmental Sciences, Each Student was conferred each Diploma. Then Conferment of The Completion of Study Program accredited by JABEE was held in The West Hall of Koshien Hall in KamiKoshien Campus. Professor Okazaki, Chairman of Department of Architecture conferred a Diploma for The Degree of Master of Architecture accredited by JABEE (Program Chartered for Architectural Education in Accordance with UNESCO-UIA) to Each Student one by one. Then Each Teacher and Staff sent the message of Congratulation, and Each student sent The Message of Appreciation. They had a good day for new Start.
建築学科・建築学専攻は、UNESCO-UIA 建築教育憲章対応プログラム
Architectural Education program accredited by JABEE, in accordance with the UNESCO-UIA Charter for Architectural Education
建築学科・建築学専攻の教育は、日本初の建築系 学士修士課程6年間のJABEE認定により、 UNESCO-UIA 建築教育憲章対応プログラム として国際的に認められています。JABEEによるUNESCO-UIA建築教育憲章に対応した建築系 学士修士課程 6年間の教育プログラムに対する認定審査は2012年度に開設されました。本学科・専攻は日本で初めて、この制度によりJABEEの認定を受けました。
The Education at bachelor and master Level in Department of Architecture has been internationally recognized as Architectural Education Program in Accordance with UNESCO-UIA by The First Accreditation of JABEE as the 6 year Bachelor and Master Level Architectural Education Program in Japan.
The Evaluation System for accreditation of 6 year architectural education program at bachelor and master level by JABEE in accordance with UNESCO-UIA has been established in 2012. Department of Architecture of Mukogawa Women’s University has been first accredited by this evaluation system of JABEE in Japan.
Logo Mark of Accreditation by JABEE
認定証授与式の様子 2013年5月27日(月)
Scene of Conferment of The Accreditation of JABEE on Monday, May 27, 2013
The Accreditation of JABEE was conferred to Professor Okazaki, Chairman of Department of Architecture.
Scene of Conferment of The Accreditation.
2017年度以降もJABEE認定 継続
JABEE certification continues after 2017
武庫川女子大学建築学科・大学院建築学専攻は、(1)建築学科・建築学専攻プログラム(建築系学士修士課程 建築設計・計画系分野)、(2)建築学科(エンジニアリング系学士課程 建築学・建築工学および関連のエンジニアリング分野)の2つの教育プログラムとして、2011年度からJABEEの認定を受けています。(1)は学士課程4年間と大学院修士課程2年間を合わせた6年一貫教育、(2)は学士課程4年間の教育プログラムであり、(1)は、建築系学士修士課程として認定された日本初の教育プログラムです。
Department of Architecture of Mukogawa Women’s University has been accredited by JABEE continuously after 2017.
Department of Architecture of Mukogawa Women’s University has two education programs accredited by JABEE (1) Education Program at bachelor and Master Level in Department of Architecture ( Architectural Education Program in Architectural Design and Planning Field), (2) Education Program at Bachelor Level in Department of Architecture ( Architectural Engineering Education Program in Engineering Field related to Architecture and Architectural Engineering). (1) is 6 year continuous program containing 4 year program at bachelor level and two year program at master level, (2) is 4 year program at bachelor level, and (1) is the first accredited architectural education program at bachelor and master level in Japan.
According to the termination of the period of accreditation, continuation of accreditation was first reviewed in 2017. As a result continuation of Accreditation has been decided. Furthermore, by the accreditation of (1), education level of this department can be recognized internationally as the world level of education program in accordance with UNESCO-UIA.